•Governor Umo Eno (Author)
Book title: Be of Good Cheer
Book reviewer: Dr Udeme Nana, Founder, Uyo Book Club
The author of this book is presented simply as Umo Eno. We all know who he is. He is a pastor, church founder and Governor of Akwa Ibom State. But the way he has presented himself on the cover of the book speaks about the author’s humility.
The book, however, was published in 2020, almost three years before he became a governor. We all know that 2020 was the year in which the world was shut down on account of COVID-19. While some people became confused, sat back to bemoan their fate, others showed courage, industry, invested their time to reflect on life and write books. This book is one of such positive responses in a time of crisis.
The book has 228 pages, presented in A4 portrait size on a baby pink and deep purple background spot laminated cover. The title of the book is embossed within a landscaped spherical golden ring. The text is set out in 11 font sized italics, while the main body of the work is in 15 fonts-size for easy reading. The book is printed with a 70 grams bond paper.
The book is dedicated to the author’s mother, Deaconess Eka Bassey Eno, who the author said led him to Christ at a tender age. She first received the revelation of the author’s call into the ministry. In addition, the book is also dedicated to “all co-labourers in God’s vineyard for standing by him, particularly during the low and discouraging seasons” of his life.
Each chapter in the book is presented as a sermon starting with a text from a relevant portion of the Scripture.
This is the book title and the title of the first chapter. It focuses on the inevitability of trials and persecutions using the example of St. Paul, the Apostle, and deliverance by God. He writes: “The beauty of the whole experience is that God will be there with you to make you come unhurt. It stresses the need for a calm and positive outlook. When your spirit is down and you do not cheer up in the midst of the storms of life, you are bound to make wrong decisions that will end up truncating your destiny. Herein lies the reason to embrace the quality of silence. Some see it as equanimity. The great Ray Ekpu once conceptualised it as ‘philosophical calmness’.
This next chapter examines the work of counterfeits as represented by Janmes and Jambress – the Egyptian magicians who tried to cancel out Moses when he appeared before Pharaoh. They tried to block the liberation mandate of Moses.
The author notes that every person in the journey of life is up against the antics of Janmes and Jambress. He puts it to his readers that such people will come after them but won’t succeed.
The chapter on GET BEHIND ME SATAN, I WILL NOT FALL FOR YOUR TRAP, is an exploration, framing and an answer to the question ‘to perform for popularity or purpose’? It brings out the need to be authentic and not succumb to the pressures exerted on one to perform for the crowd. The chapter screams “Don’t shift your focus”. The temptation of the Lord Jesus Christ by the devil is the reference here. The examples of Moses and Saul as leaders who caved in to pressure provide good case studies. The author also introduces the concept of the “Praise trap”. This is a repudiation of praises-singing and sycophancy.
YOU ARE UNTOUCHABLE is a reassurance of God to His people. Several scriptural passages are cited to remind the people about the promises of God concerning safety and security at a time of crisis. It also highlights what people should do to earn safety. There is also a prescription of what to do to cope in times of crisis.
In his submission on STOP THE BLAME GAME: ARISE AND WORK ! he challenges people to take charge and stop the blame game. On page 63, he delineated 3 mentalities which people have – (1) “The right – claiming mentality”, (2) – “The victim mentality” and (3), “the entitlement mentality”.
Readers will find out how these mentalities are displayed. The author also sets out the consequences of playing the blame game in that chapter.
The chapter on: YOU ARE NOT DEVOURABLE reviews the COVID-19 scourge and encourages readers with assurances from the scriptures about God’s coverage and protection.
The entry on YOUR BEST IS YET TO COME serves as a motivational to give hope to those who are in despair. The story of Ruth and how her circumstances changed is the case study that no matter their present circumstance, with an assurance that God will show up. The author stresses the need for loyalty and faithfulness.
Here, the author provides a study in the assertion that “When all hope is lost, an angel appears”. It tells the story of God’s love and care and surprises. He points out that God loves to reach out to people who have been rejected, abandoned, overlooked, forgotten, distressed with nobody to speak for, and stand by them. (See pages 90 & 91.)
The chapter on PLEASANT SURPRISES provides a distinction between the book of remembrance and the book of life. Let me leave it there to stimulate the interest of readers who really want to know the difference to look for a copy of the book.
There is a profound statement in chapter 10, BEYOND EXPECTATION, about how the Covid – 19 experience really pushed humankind to discover so many innate abilities
The affirmation that GOD’S WAYS ARE HIGHER THAN OURS contains an admonition against patronage of fake prophets and reliance on one’s plans, efforts, strength etc. The author declares that only God decides when to help someone.
The chapter on THE KING WANTS TO SEE YOU narrates the story of Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, friend of King David, the story of Joseph, Jacob’s beloved son and how they transitioned from nothing to something when their respective kings sent for them. If after today, the author sends for me or any member of the Uyo Book Club initiative, our story will change!
In the entry on FRESH BEGINNINGS, the author uses the example of how dry bones were brought back to life to tell the story of the rebirth of Israel and what can happen in the life of a believer, only that this time, the message is for present day believers.
However, he proceeds to emphasize that ONE THING IS NECESSARY. Here, the author pinpoints one important thing that is needed in the life of a Christian to succeed.
A book review like this should not say it all, but leave some things in the book unsaid in order to create suspense and desire for readers to become hungry for the whole book. May I, therefore, urge you to try and get your copy of the book so you discover that “one thing” that you need in life to be successful.
The author has set out three ways available to enforce prophecies. Readers will discover them in the book. He proceeds in another chapter to ask “IS YOUR HEART RIGHT WITH GOD”? He reveals that anybody who takes control of someone’s heart takes control of the person’s entire body, and such a person will always have the ‘victim’ at his beck and call. That is very profound. The poser that the writer posed for readers is “who does your heart beat for?” The author’s answer is well stated in the book.
There is an advisory: LEARN TO PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST. Here, the writer provides an insightful division of the seasons of human life into four comprising: The Morning Season, which starts from birth to 20 years. The Afternoon Season between 20 and 50 years, The Night Season from 51 to 70 years. He suggests what people should do in various seasons. The fourth season, which is 71 and above, is presented as The Midnight Season when people should prepare for the ultimate call to eternity. That discussion ends with Brandon’s law of unmanaged time, which states as follows:
1 – Time not accounted for is wasted
2 – Unmanaged time flies towards our weaknesses. This gives wings to the saying that an idle mind is the Devil’s workshop.
3 – Unmanaged time comes under the influence of others. When one plans and schedules things to do, it would be difficult for people to take advantage and steal one’s time, eat one’s time, and waste one’s time.
4 – Unmanaged time surrenders to all manner of emergencies because one is just there, available to be used.
In the presentation; A NEW BEGINNING FOR YOU, the author explains that new beginnings come with new challenges. He outlines four things one must do to begin anew;
1) Forget the former things
2) Change your thinking
3) Change your focus. Number four is not there, but if I were to add, I would write “act the part”. Begin to act the part of your dreams.
The focus on the topic: “IT’S YOUR TIME TO BREAK FORTH” gives four outcomes of what it means to break forth on every side but I found a surplus in the book which makes them five;
1) To increase
2) To break limitations
3) To cease from the life of struggle
4) To sprout in prosperity
5) Change levels from a low level to a higher level.
He explains how this can happen. This portion reads like a self-fulfilling prophecy. On page 209, he writes, “once you break forth…your locality will be in the news, and even Google will capture it. God wants to make you a blessing as well as a reference point in that locality”? Ikot Ekpene Udo, a once sleepy village in NSIT UBIUM Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, is now a very well-known locality and a destination in Akwa Ibom State. How about that as a self-fulfilling prophecy? In a potentially award winning feature article published in the Vanguard Newspaper of December 1, 2022, Mr. Anietie Usen ; a well decorated journalist / Media Adviser of the Governor titled it, “The Little Bethlehem of Akwa Ibom.”
The message titled, “BEWARE, LEST YOU FORGET GOD” begins with a text that could be framed as an affirmation, a resolution, and a covenant. ‘And it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he swore onto thy fathers…then beware, lest thou forget the Lord, who brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage’. Deut. 6:10-12. This section strengthens my belief that the author had a Patmos experience – where his future was revealed to him like the experience of the Apostle John in the island of Patmos. That was where the book of Revelation was shown to John, the Apostle.
The author harps on the value of remembrance of the things that the Lord has done and reminds readers of the sin of forgetfulness and ingratitude.
He identifies wealth and high favour as situations that make people to forget God. He urges readers to make friends with God and be thankful, quoting from Psalm 103:1-2: Bless the lord, Oh my soul and all that is within me, bless His Holy name. Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not his benefits.
The author urges readers to set up memorials to help remind them of particular events so that from generation to generation, such memorials will help them keep the faithfulness of God in view always.
He urges people to fellowship together to honour God and engage in prayers noting that almsgiving also constitutes a memorials.
The first is the natural roles of mothers in child rearing which includes; to love, nurture, groom, pamper, discipline, mentor, pastor, correct, rebuke and celebrate accordingly.
The second lesson is the acknowledgement and appreciation of the support of others. This is captured in one of the prefatory pages where the author notes that “No man can build a house alone.”
The third lesson is that God still speaks to people who are prepared to listen to him because the book; according to the author, is a collection of the words of inspiration which the author received from God during his dark days of grief and despair.
The fourth is a lesson in humility which is seen in the presentation of the author simply as Umo Eno.
Fifthly, there is a lesson in calmness in the midst of challenging situations.
The sixth lesson is the need to avoid the “praise trap”.
In the copy of the book which I read from, the concluding pages are faint. This book needs a second edition. A more befitting edition. Uyo Book Club offers to undertake to edit, proofread, redesign, supervise the printing, publishing and public presentation of the second edition of this book.
The message in the book is the message for this season in our state, in our country and in the world. Uyo Book Club should partner with the author on a fresh edition and distribution of the book to every home in Akwa Ibom State and beyond as a timeless handbook. This is a book that calls each reader by name to say “calm down”, Be of Good Cheer. Uyo Book Club should look again at the wording of the Prayer on page 100 and update Chapter 18 to include an omitted item.
The book encapsulates the author’s deep spiritual, mental, psychological, philosophical foundations. It brings into very sharp relief his mindset, attitude, his worldview and spirituality.
In this book, the author has opened a window into his soul and the aperture through which he sees the world. He commends readers to see things from his own perspective too.
This book is a message of hope, deep faith and truthfulness. It is a message of the times in Nigeria at present and for those experiencing untold hardship in all parts of the world. It is a message of comfort to people in despair, weary and heavy laden. It is an inspiring motivational for the young, middle aged, the old and those in the Departure Hall of life, who are praying for their flights to be delayed.
I strongly recommend it to be read as a devotional by everyone everywhere. All families, pupils, students, workers, professionals and business men and women need this book as a companion.
Writing a book is not an easy task at all. If it were, almost everyone would have authored a book or books because everyone has a unique story to tell. So let me congratulate and commend the author for making this valuable contribution. Through this book, he has showcased himself to the world in another perspective that many never knew. To this extent, Uyo Book Club would also seek to have access to four other books, which the author has written, according to Mr. Anietie Usen.
Let me also use my conclusion to please request the author to act the part which he recommended to his readers in Chapter 20 about raising Memorials. This, he can do, by building a library with electronic components (reading/browsing facility) in his village or Local Government Headquarters as a Memorial to his mother, the late Deaconess Eka Bassey Eno who was his first teacher, his first pastor, his first role model from whom he drew so much inspiration. I, believe, like Barack Obama that “the future belongs to the state that best educates its people”.